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Nov 25, 2019
One runner's inspirational story
‘Running – you’re joking, right?’ Friends and family were astonished when I told them I was going to do the 0-5k beginners running...

Jul 23, 2019
Run To Be at the Asics London 10k 2019
The exciting conclusion of our latest 10k Race Preparation course took place this weekend with our runners taking to the starting line...

Mar 24, 2019
The feeling of achievement was amazing.
If anyone has ever thought about running but doubted if they could -book yourself on a beginners Run to be course! The...

Mar 9, 2019
More people can do this course than think they can.
I thought I would say thank you to everyone in the Thursday Chingford 0-5k group. The coaches, mentors and fellow participants, you have...
Dec 21, 2018
"Don't think you're a runner? Give it a try!" - Simon
I found Run To Be to be very welcoming and inclusive. No matter what your running ability, you will be made welcome. You decide your...

Apr 9, 2018
"It was very emotional as I couldn’t believe that I really had gone from 0-5k" - Laura Lou
I thought I'd share my story... I joined run to be in September 2016. I was very nervous and even though the advert said it was for...

Mar 5, 2018
"I’ve just finished my second 0-5k course with Run To Be" - Martin, London cabbie
I’m Martin, a 52 year old London licensed taxi driver. I generally eat the wrong things and because of my job, spend most of my life...
Mar 4, 2016
Testimonial - Loren Glover, 0-5k running course
Just completed the 0-5k and absolutely loved it, I would recommend it to anyone! Great coach and mentors, I never thought I'd see myself...
Mar 4, 2016
Testimonial - Caroline Fullbrook, 0-5k running course
Finished my 8 week 0-5k today and never thought it possible! Thoroughly recommend and will definitely keep running. 5 stars. Caroline...
Mar 4, 2016
Testimonial - Rosie Leigh Revan, 0-5k running course
I really loved this course - everyone was so supportive and the mentors were lovely. Would highly recommend. 5 stars. Rosie Leigh Revan,...
Mar 4, 2016
Testimonial - Karley J Smith, 0-5k running course
I personally couldn't run to the nearest bus stop before I joined run to be. Today only 8 weeks on I have accomplished 5km. The support...
Dec 1, 2015
Testimonial - Jez Gaia Sue Gnik, 0-5k running session
I started Run To Be during the summer as a non runner and I am now able to run 5k. It's an amazing group with so much support and...
Nov 29, 2015
Testimonial - Jennifer Devlin, 0-5k running course
Run To Be is just the best, Lovely friendly people, Anyone wanting to run can join the RTB Team. Everyone helps everyone; no one gets...
Oct 14, 2015
Testimonial - Claire Price, 0-5k running course
Fantastic community. I hadn't run since primary school and now run 2-3 times a week. 5 stars. Claire Price, via Facebook #05krunningcourse
Jun 10, 2015
Testimonial - Marita Keremezo, Chingford running courses
The ethos of Run To Be is one of inclusion for all and encouragement. I was very nervous about running and having done two of the courses...
May 6, 2015
Testimonial - Gill Hand, 0-5k running course
First time I have ever run for more than a bus tonight. Thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Such a fantastic group and so friendly. Felt...
Apr 30, 2015
Testimonial - Kate Norris, 0-5k running course
Think you can't run? Think again. Took me from thinking I'm not built for running to running 5k and enjoying it! Already signed up for...
Nov 27, 2014
Testimonial: Beverley, Introductory Running Sessions, November 2014
Thank you Lindsey for putting together the Run To Be sessions. For one reason or another I stopped running well over a year ago and when...
Nov 26, 2014
Testimonial: Samantha, Introductory Running Sessions, November 2014
The Run To Be sessions have really rekindled my love for something that I had stopped doing for a long while. I have always loved...
Nov 26, 2014
Testimonial: Vicki, Introductory Running Sessions, November 2014
I had never run anywhere in my life, apart from for the bus. I turned up very nervously to the very first Run To Be session. Nerves were...
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